Academy College Prep

Why is college advising so valuable to students - especially first generation students? What has contributed to the gap in college advising and what can be done to make it accessible? 

The college application process is always a big undertaking, especially for first generation students. Studies have shown that college advising/counseling has a direct impact on high school graduation rates, college admission rates, and even college graduation rates. We believe that college advising can make a critical difference in students' lives since education is the ultimate economic equalizer. We aim to make this service available to as many students as possible.

Education experts have talked about leveling the playing field and making college admissions “fair” for years now. Many colleges have gone  test optional which has been helpful for those students who can’t afford test prep for the SAT/ACT, but comprehensive and free college counseling can also make a big difference to many students.

The ASCA (American School Counselor Association) recommends that schools maintain a ratio of no more than 250 students per counselor, however the national average in the 2015-2016 school year was 470 students per counselor. While many high schools have poor student to counselor ratios, one in five students does not have access to a counselor at all. This has left around 8 million students without a proper support system.

Academy College Prep is our solution to this problem. Our one year program guides high school juniors and seniors through the college admissions process. In addition to group meetings and workshops, students receive monthly action items backed with detailed instruction and resources to support each activity. Our program helps students define what they want in a college, build a college list and application timeline, complete well written essays, and submit on-time applications.

Our focus is currently on serving as many students as possible rather than growing revenue. Today, we are a self-funded non-profit. Over time and once we have finished development of our platform, we plan on exploring ways to monetize our offerings to create a self-sustaining model in order to support as many students as possible!

"Thank you for all of the support and help you've given me. I'm extremely grateful for you!"
-Melissa N. Class of 2022

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