Join The Academy!

Academy College Prep provides free college advising to any student needing extra support whether they start at a 2 or 4 year college. We are a nonprofit committed to ensuring that every student has the tools and confidence they need to pursue higher education.

Our students choose between two pathways:

Four year College Pathway

Community College Pathway

With both comprehensive programs, students receive action items, resources and detailed instructions that support each activity. We help students choose a major, develop a college list, and build an application timeline to ensure that no college application deadlines are missed. We also review each college essay draft giving invaluable, concrete feedback throughout essay development.

The Academy Programs Include:

Planning & Research
Complete Resume and Activities List
Standardized Test Planning
College List Research and Development

Essays & Applications
Essay Brainstorming
Essay Review and Feedback
Application Strategies: ED I & II, EA, Regular

Online Sessions & Office Hours
Instructional Group Sessions: Live and Recorded
One-On-One Office Hours with Advisory Team
Guest Speakers and Video Library

Financial Aid & Scholarships
Free Subscription to MOS or The FAFSA Guru
Access to our Scholarship Database
Scholarship Essay Support

Education is the Ultimate Economic Equalizer.
College Advising Can Make a Critical Difference.

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recommends that schools maintain a ratio of no more than 250 students per counselor, however the national average is 470 students per counselor. Along with many of these schools having poor student to counselor ratios, one in five students does not have access to a counselor at all. This has left around 8 million students without a proper support system.

* Data from 2015-2016 school year.

"Thank you for all of the support and help you've given me. I'm extremely grateful for you!"
-Melissa N. Class of 2022

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